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How to Stop Watching Bad Videos Islamically? Complete Guide

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Living in today’s digital age, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a wholesome and spiritually uplifting lifestyle.

With screens everywhere and content readily available, it’s easy to fall into the trap of consuming unhealthy videos that can negatively impact our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

In this article, we will explore how to stop watching bad videos Islamically, drawing upon Islamic teachings and principles to guide us toward a more righteous path through our Ayesha Quran Academy.

Porn, short for pornography, refers to explicit, sexually explicit material, usually in the form of images, videos, or written content, created with the primary purpose of arousing sexual desire or gratification in its viewers or consumers.

It often depicts explicit sexual acts or nudity and is intended for adult audiences. Pornography comes in various forms and is easily accessible on the internet, but its consumption can have negative impacts on relationships, mental health, and societal attitudes towards sex and relationships.

Useful tips on how to quit sins

Whenever you feel compelled to browse porn, turn to Allah and make a prayer. If your faith is your primary motivator for stopping porn, praying will be an effective method. Every time you feel the want to watch porn, try saying a prayer.

Ask Allah to grant you the strength to reject your desires and to assist you in becoming a good Muslim.

1. Self-awareness and Intentions

Self-awareness is the first step in addressing the issue of watching bad videos. Begin by recognizing that this behavior is not in line with Islamic values.

Understand the harm it can cause to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Acknowledge the negative impact it may have on your relationship with Allah.

Intentions matter greatly in Islam. Before making any changes, make a sincere intention (niyyah) to seek Allah’s pleasure by purifying your heart and mind.

Your intention should be a driving force behind your efforts to stop watching bad videos.

Ensure that your intention is solely for the sake of Allah and for the betterment of your spiritual life.

2. Seek Forgiveness and Repentance

Repentance (Taubah) is a foundational concept in Islam. It involves recognizing your sins, feeling remorse, and turning back to Allah with a sincere heart.

When it comes to watching bad videos, admit your mistakes and seek Allah’s forgiveness.

To repent effectively:

  • Regret your past actions and express genuine remorse.
  • Make a firm commitment to stop watching bad videos.
  • Seek forgiveness through prayer (salat) and supplication (dua).
  • Make amends where necessary, such as by deleting inappropriate content from your devices or apologizing to anyone who may have been affected by your behavior.

Remember that Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. A sincere and heartfelt repentance is met with His boundless mercy.

3. Control Your Environment

In Islam, it is crucial to control your environment to prevent exposure to harmful influences. This applies to both your physical surroundings and your digital world:

  • Online: Unfollow or unsubscribe from sources that promote bad content, and unfriend or block individuals who share such material. Customize your online experience to ensure it aligns with your Islamic values.
  • Offline: Surround yourself with friends and family who share your commitment to a righteous lifestyle. Avoid places and gatherings that may tempt you towards sinful behavior.

By controlling your environment, you create a protective barrier against the negative influences that can lead to watching bad videos.

4. Accountability Partner

Having a friend who can help you is a great way to stop watching inappropriate videos.

Find someone you trust, especially if they share your Islamic values, and talk to them about your problem. Together, you can support each other in staying away from those videos.

An accountability partner can help you stay on track, provide encouragement, and remind you of your commitment to your faith.

5. Fill Your Time Productively

Many individuals turn to bad videos out of boredom or idle time. To combat this, fill your time with productive and spiritually enriching activities:

  • Engage in regular prayers (salat) and remember Allah through dhikr (remembrance).
  • Recite the Quran daily to strengthen your connection with the divine message.
  • Volunteer for charitable causes or engage in community service.
  • Pursue hobbies and interests that align with Islamic values, such as reading, writing, or learning a new skill.

A busy and purposeful schedule is less likely to leave room for watching bad videos.

6. Install Content Filters

Use technology to your advantage by installing content filters and parental control apps on your devices.

These tools can help block access to inappropriate content and serve as a reminder of your commitment to avoiding bad videos.

Content filters can provide an extra layer of protection, especially when temptation arises online.

7. Develop Self-discipline

Self-discipline is a fundamental virtue in Islam. It requires setting boundaries for yourself and adhering to them consistently.

Begin by establishing clear guidelines and limits for your behavior regarding video content consumption.

Start with small, achievable goals, and gradually increase your self-control. Over time, your ability to resist temptation will grow stronger, and your commitment to Islamic values will become more steadfast.

How To Stop Watching Islamic Videos Islamically? Pornography

8. Seek Knowledge

Learning more about Islamic teachings can inspire and drive you to quit watching inappropriate videos. The better you grasp the beauty and wisdom of Islam, the more encouraged you’ll be to live in accordance with these teachings.

To seek knowledge:

  • Attend Islamic lectures and seminars to deepen your understanding of the faith.
  • Read books and literature that provide insights into Islamic ethics and spirituality.
  • Seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals, such as scholars or mentors, who can answer your questions and offer support.

Knowledge is a powerful tool in fortifying your faith and resisting negative influences.

9. Dua (Supplication)

Dua, or supplication, is a direct way to connect with Allah and seek His assistance in overcoming challenges. Turn to Allah through heartfelt dua to ask for strength, guidance, and protection from harmful influences.

In your dua:

  • Acknowledge your weaknesses and seek Allah’s help in overcoming them.
  • Express your sincere desire to lead a more righteous and spiritually fulfilling life.
  • Ask for steadfastness (Istiqamah) in your commitment to avoiding bad videos.

Dua is a personal and profound way to enlist Allah’s support in your journey towards spiritual purification.

10. Patience and Perseverance

Breaking the habit of watching bad videos, like any habit, requires patience and perseverance. Understand that it may be a gradual process with setbacks along the way. Trust in Allah’s plan and His ability to guide you towards righteousness.

Remain patient with yourself when you stumble, and continue to seek Allah’s forgiveness and guidance. Persevere in your efforts, knowing that a sincere and determined heart will ultimately lead you to a more spiritually fulfilling life.

Avoiding Porn in USA & UK

Avoiding pornography addiction in the United States and the United Kingdom, as in any other region of the world, begins with a conscious decision to live a healthier lifestyle. Consider applying the following measures to avoid pornography.

To begin, learn about the negative impacts of pornography on mental health, relationships, and personal well-being. Awareness is a strong motivation.

Second, create a welcoming environment by using content filters and parental settings on your devices to prevent access to explicit information.

Thirdly, try to find more wholesome ways to spend your free time, like being active, enjoying hobbies, or hanging out with loved ones.

You can also partner with a friend you trust to help you along the way; having support makes a big difference.

Lastly, keep in mind that beating a habit like this can be tough, and you might have some slip-ups.

When that happens, be kind to yourself, stay determined, and get back on track toward a life free from harmful content.

Benefits of lowering the gaze

Lowering the gaze, especially in the Islamic context, refers to the act of averting one’s eyes from things that are considered inappropriate or forbidden to look at, particularly in the context of interactions between men and women.

There are several benefits to practicing this aspect of modesty and self-discipline:

  1. Preservation of Modesty and Purity: Lowering the gaze helps preserve one’s own modesty and purity of heart. It prevents the eyes from lingering on the physical beauty of others and helps maintain a clean and chaste heart.
  2. Respect for Others: It demonstrates respect for the privacy and dignity of others. Staring at someone, especially of the opposite gender, can be uncomfortable and invasive. Lowering the gaze respects the personal space and feelings of others.
  3. Prevention of Lustful Thoughts: Lowering the gaze can prevent the development of lustful thoughts and desires. Prohibiting the gaze from dwelling on what is forbidden helps in controlling one’s desires and maintaining chastity.
  4. Enhancement of Self-discipline: It is an exercise in self-discipline and self-control. Lowering the gaze requires conscious effort and discipline, which can be beneficial in strengthening one’s willpower.
  5. Protection of Marital Relationships: For married individuals, practicing this helps in maintaining a healthy and faithful relationship with one’s spouse. Avoiding inappropriate glances at others helps in safeguarding the sanctity of marriage.


In conclusion, stopping the habit of watching bad videos Islamically is a noble and spiritually rewarding endeavor.

By following these Islamic principles and strategies, you can free yourself from the harmful influence of bad videos and strengthen your connection with your faith.

Remember that the journey may be challenging, but with the guidance of Allah and your sincere efforts, you can achieve spiritual growth and purification.


How do I stop watching bad videos on Google?

Enable SafeSearch, use content filters, and practice self-control by avoiding explicit keywords and staying engaged in productive activities.

How do I stop watching bad videos at night?

Set a strict bedtime, keep electronic devices out of your bedroom, and engage in a relaxing bedtime routine like reading or meditating to avoid watching bad videos at night.

How do I stop myself from watching bad videos?

Turn to Allah and make a prayer, Use content filters, stay busy with positive activities, and seek accountability from a trusted friend or family member.

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