Home » Schedule And Fee Plan

We aim to offer students of all ages and backgrounds a top-notch Islamic education at our Online Quran Academy. We have created a flexible, open-access pricing and schedule plan. You can find comprehensive details about our costs and class schedule below.

Schedule And Fee Plan

Currently, we accept payments for online Quran study in the following four currencies: USD, GBP, CAD, and AED.

However, other nations’ currencies are also allowed.
If you fall outside of these four categories, you are still welcome to inquire about your fee choices. You have the option of selecting one of the following schedules or creating your own, which is not stated above. With the same rate ratio, weekend classes are also an option.

We charge fees depending on a monthly tuition schedule. All of our classes and resources are included in the tuition price. Monthly, quarterly, and annual payments are just a few of the possibilities we provide.

Each class will be of 30 minutes and Hifz class will be of 60 minutes.

Schedule / WeekClasses per MonthFee USD
2 Classes08 Classes$25
3 Classes12 Classes$35
4 Classes16 Classes$50
5 Classes20 Classes$65
HIFZ classes20 Classes$110
Schedule / WeekClasses per MonthFee GBP
2 Classes08 Classes£15
3 Classes12 Classes£25
4 Classes16 Classes£35
5 Classes20 Classes£50
HIFZ classes20 Classes£100
Schedule / WeekClasses per MonthFee CAD
2 Classes08 Classes$35
3 Classes12 Classes$45
4 Classes16 Classes$55
5 Classes20 Classes$70
HIFZ classes20 Classes$120
Schedule / WeekClasses per MonthFee AED
2 Classes08 Classes90
3 Classes12 Classes125
4 Classes16 Classes170
5 Classes20 Classes220
HIFZ classes20 Classes350

Refund Policy

Fees for online Quran study are fully planned, and we give a full refund in the event that a student leaves before the commencement of lessons. However, refund requests are not accepted after the classes are confirmed and you have taken one. If we are unable to offer you with the classes for whatever reason and you have already paid the charge, we will refund your money less a refund fee. This is how we handle refunds.

The balance can only be transferred for the sessions in the following month if you have to cancel classes for some reason. We do not provide refunds in cases where the cost of the refund is greater than the fee.

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