Home » Prophet Muhammad’s Migration To Medina And The Beginning Of The Hijri Calendar

Prophet Muhammad’s Migration To Medina And The Beginning Of The Hijri Calendar

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The migration of Prophet Muhammad to Medina, known as the Hijra, is a watershed moment in Islamic history. It marked a turning point in both the life of the Prophet and the development of the Muslim community. In this article, we will delve into its historical context, significance, and timeless lessons.

In the backdrop of Mecca, early Muslims faced relentless persecution. The Prophet’s message of monotheism and justice challenged the interests of the Quraysh tribe. Consequently, the leaders of the Quraysh perceived Islam as a threat to their power and trade.

Prophet Muhammad's Migration to Medina and the Beginning of the Hijri Calendar

The Divine Command

In the face of mounting hostility, divine guidance directed the Prophet to migrate to Yathrib, later named Medina.

This command wasn’t solely a geographical transition; it symbolized a spiritual migration. This transition represented a shift from being a persecuted minority to becoming part of a flourishing Muslim community.

The Migration

The Hijra involved a perilous journey. Accompanied by loyal companion Abu Bakr, the Prophet sought refuge in the Cave of Thawr to evade capture. This cave symbolizes the unwavering faith of the early Muslim community.

Significance of the Hijra

The Hijra holds enduring importance in Islam:

  1. Islamic Calendar: It marks the inception of the Islamic lunar calendar, serving as a reminder of the community’s fortitude.
  2. Community Building: In Medina, the Prophet could build the first Islamic state, fostering unity and harmony. This unity was achieved under the Medina Charter, laying the foundation for peaceful coexistence among different religious communities.
  3. Spread of Islam: The Hijra facilitated Islam’s expansion as the Prophet engaged in interactions with diverse tribes. This interaction led to the acceptance of Islam by many.
  4. Leadership: In Medina, the Prophet assumed roles as a political and military leader. In this capacity, he laid the foundation for a just society, leaving behind a legacy of governance and leadership.
  5. Continuation of the Prophetic Mission: The Prophet could carry on his mission without persecution. This phase allowed him to continue his teachings and engage in the gradual revelation of the Quran.

Lessons from the Hijra

The Hijra imparts invaluable lessons:

  1. Resilience: It epitomizes unwavering commitment amid adversity. The early Muslims demonstrated remarkable resilience despite the persecution they faced.
  2. Unity: It underscores cooperation, tolerance, and inclusivity. The establishment of a pluralistic society in Medina serves as a testament to the importance of unity and tolerance.
  3. Strategic Thinking: It highlights the significance of meticulous planning. The Prophet’s migration was not an impulsive decision but a carefully planned strategy.
  4. Trust in God: The concept of Tawakkul, or reliance on God, is vividly demonstrated. The Prophet and Abu Bakr placed their trust in God and took calculated risks, which ultimately led to success.

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The Hijra of Prophet Muhammad is a transformative event in Islamic history. It imparts lessons of faith, resilience, unity, and strategic decision-making, offering enduring guidance for Muslims on their spiritual journey.


In which Hijri did the Prophet migrate to Medina?

The Prophet migrated to Medina in the year 622 CE (Hijri 1). The Prophet Muhammad’s migration to Medina, known as the Hijra, took place in 622 CE. This event marks the beginning of the Hijri calendar.

When did Hijri calendar start?

The Hijri calendar, also known as the Islamic or Muslim calendar, started in 622 CE. This date corresponds to the year of the Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina.

What calendar was before Hijri calendar?

Prior to the Hijri calendar, the pre-Islamic Arabian calendar was in use. It is believed to have been a lunar calendar that was transformed into a lunisolar calendar about 200 years before the Hijra.

What calendar is Islam based on?

The Islamic faith is based on the Hijri calendar. This is a lunar calendar that consists of 12 lunar months, making a year of 354 or 355 days.